Welcome All 1984 Alumni to our 35th Reunion!
Your reunion committee is planning a big weekend of fellowship, fun, and reminiscing of old times. Please mark your calendar now! Reunion weekend is 3,4,5 & 6 October 2019. PLEASE NOTE THE SPECIAL EVENT FRIDAY NIGHT AFTER THE BAYLOR/MCCALLIE FOOT BALL GAME! Below is your 35th reunion committee, and some preliminary details.
All class mates need to complete I & II, and III & IV (If You Are Coming From Out Of Town)
Here is your 35th Reunion Committee:
Bess Steverson - Director of Development for Special Initiatives ([email protected] (O) 423-493-5837
Alston Hamilton - Day Student Co Chairman
Reese Freyer - Boarding Co Chairman
Jeff Hooper - Boarding - Savas Kyrakidas - Day
Cal Stubbs - Boarding - Sammy Joyce - Day
Bill Blalock - Boarding - Rink Murray - Day
Chris Lindsay - Boarding - Ricky Taliaferro - Day
Byron Culpepper - Boarding - Garrison Martin - Day
Carey Folk - Boarding - Mike Robinson - Day
Greg McGuire - Day - Peter Hunt - Day
The reunion committee e mail address is: [email protected]
Below are some preliminary details and action items on the weekend:
I. QUICK RSVP TO THE REUNION COMMITTEE IN ADDITION TO THE SCHOOL - Please take a minute and complete the below fields at the bottom of this page so we can get a preliminary head count. Scroll to the bottom. (There will also be an alumni office sign up as well later in the year.)
Here is the link to complete for McCallie and the Concert:
II. MARK YOUR CALENDAR - Please start planning now with your schedule, and plan on attending. Please write down the weekend on your calendar now, and check with your spouse/significant other. Yes, we are including spouses and significant others and will have baby sitters available. Chattanooga is a great place to visit, and we will be in the heart of the area with lots to do as a family.
III. HOTEL - The Headquarter hotel for our class is The Westin and is located at 801 Pine Street Chattanooga, TN 37402. Please call 866-912-1083 (make sure to reference the "McCallie School Reunion Rate" if you call, or simply cut and paste the special McCallie Westin link below:
IV. BOOK - If out of town, please go ahead and book your room now. The rooms will fill up fast, and we want everyone to be in the same hotel to share transportation.
Check out what else is planned this weekend:
MCCALLIE EVENTS - The school has many events planned, which are open to all. Please visit:
https://www.mccallie.org/alumnihome/reunion-weekend for more events.
Here are the Class of 1984 reunion events we have scheduled:
7:00 P.M. - 4 October 2019 - FRIDAY NIGHT - PRE BAYLOR/MCCALLIE FOOTBALL GAME - All classes, and guests are invited to the McCallie campus to watch the game on a live stream. There will be food, and alcohol is allowed to be brought in if desired.
9:00 P.M. - 4 October 2019 - FRIDAY NIGHT POST BAYLOR/MCCALLIE FOOTBALL GAME - CLASS OF 1984 EVENT - Plan on reliving our senior party with a concert at "SongBirds" featuring "The White Animals" This is co hosted with the Baylor class of 1984. We will have T shirts available., and this event is open to all reunion attendees and all classes. There will be a charge at the door.
1:00 P.M. - 5 October 2019 - SATURDAY - DAY TIME - CLASS OF 1984 EVENT - Eat a hamburger and watch football together downtown Saturday afternoon at "Naked River Brewing" company.
7:00 P.M. - 5 October 2019 - SATURDAY - NIGHT - CLASS OF 1984 EVENT - Our class party will be held at Dr. Peter Hunt's home near GPS and down town. Food will be catered by "Acropolis", which is owned by class mater Savas Kyrakidas. We will have a margarita machine, and open bar. The address for the party is: The Hunt's - 1514 Riverview Road - Chattanooga, Tennessee 37405. Please group transportation from the hotel, and engage Uber and Lyft.
REGISTRATION FEE - Once the events for the class are planned, the committee will set a reunion weekend event fee, which will be collected by the school. We are working to make the weekend as economical as possible.
DONATION TO THE SCHOOL - The Class of 1984 will set a monetary goal to donate to the school.
ALUMNI ACHIEVEMENT AWARD NOMINATION - Please be pondering a class mate who is deserving of this reunion's award. You can nominate a class mate soon.
WILD CARD - We hope to announce a special guest if he can be located. More to come.
Please complete the below fields so we can get a Quick R.S.V.P and start the planning. Thank you for committing early, and look for more details coming soon.
Please contact any class mates you keep in touch with and let them know about the weekend.